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Recorded webinars

Cochlear Academy Learning Management Platform

Cochlear Academy Learning Management Platform

We have collected a variety of recorded webinars of Cochlear systems and from several conferences that is available for you as a healthcare professional. Below you can see the extensive list of courses available now for you to watch when you have time.

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Recorded webinars of Cochlear systems

Osia implant considerations for pediatric patients

Key surgical decisions, offering best practices and insights into optimizing outcomes in pediatric Osia implant surgery.

Cochlear Osia System Live Surgery with Dr Brian Kaplan

Recorded live surgery of Dr Brian Kaplan implanting the Cochlear Osia System 

Panel Discussion: Alternative surgical techniques and incisions in the Osia system implantation

Discussion on alternative surgical techniques and incisions in the Osia system implantation moderated by Dr. Brian Kaplan.

Programming software

Custom Sound pro fitting software support toolkit for Professionals

Measure what matters

Measure what matters: How goal setting in Custom Sound Pro helps clinicians focus on holistic care

Cochlear Nucleus System Reliability

How to understand Cochlear Nucleus System Reliability

Connected Care

Remote Check, Remote Assist, Cochlear Link, My Cochlear Portal (mCP), CORE, SmartNav, ForwardFocus

Osia Implant Considerations for Pediatric Patients

Gain expert insights and best practices from leading specialists on key surgical decisions for pediatric Osia implant surgery.

Recorded webinars from conferences

EAONO - Cochlear Satellite Symposium

EAONO - Cochlear Satellite Symposium "Advantages of Perimodiolar Electrodes"

EFAS - Cochlear Satellite Symposium

EFAS - Cochlear Satellite Symposium "Inspired by Connection"

ESPCI - Cochlear Satellite Symposium

ESPCI - Cochlear Satellite Symposium "Reliable Fitting Options for Pediatrics"

ESPCI workshop - Slim Modiolar Electrode

ESPCI workshop - Optimal outcomes with an electrode that fits the natural shape of the inner ear: A spotlight on Cochlear's Slim Modiolar Electrode

ESPCI workshop - Baha 6 Max and Osia Systems

ESPCI workshop - Our latest innovations in our Bone Conduction Portfolio: A spotlight on the Baha 6 Max and Osia Systems

Cochlear Science and Research Seminars

Advances in Bone Conduction Solutions

The main aspects of the webinar are the cost effectiveness of bone conduction devices versus middle ear reconstruction surgery, Cochlear™ Osia® System indications for different age groups, Osia surgery and performance benefit with bone conduction devices in relation to Maximum Power Output.

Bimodal in the Adult Population

This webinar covers latest science and research on bimodal aspects in the adult population. Bimodal is considered as treatment with a cochlear implant on one side and a hearing aid on the other side. This webinar gives an overview of the scientific research in this field, including what bimodal is and how the indication has changed over time. Experts in this field present on the parameters that could have an impact on the outcome, and what the most important outcome measures are to evaluate the bimodal benefit. In addition, the seminar addresses the indication boundaries when moving from binaural hearing aids to bimodal as well as the indication when moving from binaural to bilateral cochlear implant treatment.

Connected Care and Clinical Effectiveness

This webinar presents leading research in the field of Connected Care and Clinical Effectiveness – all with the common aim of improving patient experience and outcomes.

Early Identification and Intervention

Despite ample available evidence that early identification and early intervention are of the utmost importance for achieving the best possible outcomes for the child, we see that in many countries there are still barriers in implementing neonatal screening and/or timely interventions after establishing hearing loss. During this webinar, our distinguished speakers addressed the current situation in Europe, looked at the possible barriers, but also addressed how we can improve the situation with regards to early identification and intervention.

Effective Hearing Treatment for Healthy Aging

The world’s population is aging. A healthy aging population is an economic necessity as well as a desirable outcome in itself. But how does this relate to hearing? Managing hearing well is key to healthy ageing and contributes to cognitive health in older adults. A heterogeneous population requires ‘precision’ and ‘experimental’ audiology including relevant outcome measures with real-life relevance. CI can partially reverse cognitive decline -> Realistic counselling and referral. People and families must be involved in their own care decisions and have the info to do so.

Health Economics and Cochlear Implants

This Cochlear Science and Research Seminar highlights various aspects of Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment related to treatment with Cochlear Implants. The presentations and panel discussions will provide a comprehensive understanding on health economic decision pathways for cochlear implant funding and the economic consequences of not treating the hearing loss. Relevance of evidence generation for Health Technology Assessment for Cochlear Implants will be addressed and further discussed in the panel discussion with leading experts in this field.

Objective Measures and Surgical Techniques

This Cochlear Science and Research Seminar explored the latest developments in the field of cochlear implant surgery and the role of objective measures in guiding and monitoring the outcome of the surgical act. Distinguished scientists shared their latest experiences on how they make use of objective measures and surgical tools to avoid cochlear trauma, preserve residual hearing and optimise fitting.

Scientific Results with the Slim Modiolar Electrode

This Cochlear Science and Research Seminar covers the design rationales, scientific research and clinical outcomes with Cochlear™ Nucleus® Implants with the Slim Modiolar Electrode. The design rationales focus on atraumatic surgery and minimising the distance between the electrode contacts and the auditory nerve. The scientific Research includes the surgical Approach, electrophysiologic and psychophysical measures, and preservation of residual hearing. Finally, the clinical outcomes will centre around patient hearing perception performance.

Standard of Care in Europe, Middle East and Africa

This Cochlear Science and Research Seminar sets the focus on "Standard of Care in Europe, Middle East and Africa". Reaching consensus on the indication criteria and treatment for adult hearing loss is an ongoing challenge, not only across Europe but also in the Middle East and Africa. Cochlear Implantation (CI) should be the treatment of choice for adults with severe, profound, or moderate sloping to profound sensorineural-hearing-loss (SNHL) with limited benefit from conventional hearing aids.

Increasing the level of awareness of CI is one of the main drivers to mitigate under-treatment in these patient cohorts. Not treating the hearing loss may be associated with depression, cognitive decline and dementia, which further increases the burden for the health care system and society. Establishing clinical pathways from diagnosis, surgery to guidelines for surgery, should be unified and applied as a Standard of Care to unify the treatment pathway for all CI candidates, irrespective of their location. Clinical effectiveness of CI can be established by multidisciplinary, patient-centred collaboration amongst hearing healthcare professionals, whilst considering the factors associated with post implantation outcomes.

Tinnitus and Cochlear Implants

This Cochlear Science and Research Seminar covers the benefits of a Cochlear Implant (CI) for people suffering from tinnitus. The seminar gives an overview of the scientific research in this field, including how a CI could affect tinnitus, patient selection and pre-operative diagnostics. Other neuromodulation techniques for the treatment of tinnitus will also be discussed. In addition, the seminar addresses how clinicians can counsel CI candidates suffering from both hearing loss and tinnitus. An overview will be given of the tools that are available for clinicians in this area. This programme will be of interest to cochlear implant surgeons, audiologists, clinical psychologists and other clinicians and researchers.


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